Teen Sues School Because It Won’t Allow Her to Play Basketball with Her Service Dog Carrying Two Oxygen Tanks

Daily Herald:  A 17 year old girl wanted to play on a basket ball team while she is connected by a plastic tube to an oxygen tank carried by her service dog.  “But her family was told it was ‘not appropriate’ for Jenny to be on the basketball court with her service dog and oxygen tank, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday on Jenny’s behalf by Equip for Equality, a legal advocacy organization.”

If the girl played on the team and a player tripped over the dog or the tube and were injured, who do you think would be sued?  Both the girl and the school would be defendants in the lawsuit and the school would probably be liable.  Wouldn’t all reasonable people say that having the dog and tube connected to the girl on the court creates a dangerous condition and an accident waiting to happen?  Guess what the lawsuit is based on?  The Americans with Disabilities Act.  Do you think that when Congress passed the ADA, they intended it to give the girl the right to play basketball with her service dog in tow?

EEOC Says Screening Propspective Employees for Criminal Backgrounds May Violate Federal Law

News of what the federal government does never ceases to amaze me.  There apparently is no end to the stupidity of unelected government bureaucrats.  An Associated Press story reports: “Companies using criminal records . . . to screen out job applicants might run afoul of anti-discrimination laws as the government steps up scrutiny of hiring policies that can hurt blacks and Hispanics.  A blanket refusal to hire workers based on criminal records . . . can be illegal” according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  I wonder if this policy will encourage or discourage hiring?

Federal Workers Now Paid Twice as Much as Private Sector Workers

We all need to get a job working for the federal government.  The pay is great and the benefits cannot be beaten – great medical care, early retirement for a fixed amount not subject to stock market losses, lots of time off and virtually impossible to be fired even if you watch porn all day on your computer in your government office.  USA Today:  “Federal civil servants earned average pay and benefits of $123,049 in 2009 while private workers made $61,051 in total compensation, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.”

Man Arrested for OSWI – Operating Stroller While Intoxicated

A man pushing his two kids in a stroller was charged by police for “child endangering and intoxication.”  A court found the man guilty as charged.  My fear is that this case will unleash a new wave of OSWI lawyers and OSWI ads on TV and the sides of buses.

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