Obamacare is Even Worse than Critics Thought

Washington Examiner:  “Half a year removed from the unprecedented legislative chicanery and backroom dealing that characterized the bill’s passage, we know much more about the bill than we did then. A few of the revelations:”

For more about the national nightmare called Obamacare, see a study conducted by The Heritage Foundation called “Implementing Obamacare: A New Exercise in Old-Fashioned Central Planning.”  Here’s the abstract of the report:

“Obamacare—the massive health care law passed in March—constitutes the largest expansion of gov­ernment since the Great Society. Americans have voiced their strong opposition, but the Obama Administration is determined to force-feed the new medicine. The Adminis­tration’s vision of health care is based on the premise that the federal government can—and must—control the details of health care financing and delivery across the country. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is the scaffolding for this control. The new law gives the Administration extensive authority to achieve broadly outlined goals, allowing it to control every aspect of health care finance and delivery and to impose its view of how the health care system should operate. The Admin­istration will issue volumes of complex regulations. Health care is being bureaucratized and politicized. The structure of the health care system will be determined by one central authority, reducing flexibility and denying Americans the ability to make their own choices. Americans will have to obtain health insurance and health care based on what the federal government deems best for them.”

Health Care Bill’s 1099 Reporting Burdens Businesses

The Heritage Foundation:  “One the most troubling policies in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a new requirement that businesses report more information on their activities to the Internal Revenue Service. This new requirement will force businesses to divert scarce resources to complying with additional bureaucratic red tape that they could better use creating new jobs.”

Some States Are Lacking in Health Law Authority

New York Times:  “Faced with the need to review insurance rates and enforce a panoply of new rights granted to consumers, states are scrambling to make sure they have the necessary legal authority to carry out the responsibilities being placed on them by President Obama’s health care law.  Insurance commissioners in about half the states say they do not have clear authority to enforce consumer protection standards that take effect next month.”

ObamaCare Success: Health Insurers Stop Writing Policies for Kids

Hot Air:  “One of the big wins for Obama in the bill was the mandate for insurers to allow parents to carry their kids on policies until their 26th birthday.  However, that intervention has created a rather perverse set of incentives that will see fewer children insured:

Some major health insurance companies have stopped issuing certain types of policies for children, an unintended consequence of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law . . . .”

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