Maricopa Supervisors Authorize Another Lawsuit Against Sheriff Joe – Over His New Bus

Last year Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio purchased a $456,000 bus to move prisoners to and from court.  Who would have guessed that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is not happy with the purchase?  The Supervisors voted to sue the seller of the bus, Motor Coach Industries Inc., if the county cannot cut a satisfactory deal with the seller to rescind the sale.  Note to Supervisors:  Can you spell C O N T R A C T law?  Normally vehicle sales are evidenced by a one-sided contract in favor of the seller that makes it very difficult to rescind a sale, especially after the buyer takes possession.  Why should the seller be penalized for a dispute over a bus involving the sheriff and the supervisors?  P.S.  Maricopa county has wasted over $3.2 million dollars in taxpayer money in the last eighteen months suing each other.