Kalifornians: Kiss Your 100-watt Lightbulb Goodbye

Mercury News:  The light bulb police in action.  “Californians can start saying goodbye to traditional 100-watt incandescent light bulbs now that the state has become the first in the country to require a new standard for the screw-base bulbs.  Experts say the new rules, which took effect New Year’s Day, will save residents money and energy. . . . what used to be a 100-watt light bulb manufactured and sold in California will have to use 72 watts or less. . . . Similar new standards for traditional 75-watt, 60-watt and 40-watt incandescent bulbs will go into effect in California over the next few years, with wattages reduced to 53, 43 and 29 respectively.

See “Eco-bulb cost to treble: Makers cash in as the ban on old-style bulbs kicks in.”

Illegal in New Hampshire to Repeatedly Use “Offensively Coarse Language” With the Purpose to Annoy

The Volokh Conspiracy:  “N.H. Stat. § 644–4 makes it a misdemeanor to, among other things, “[m]ake[] repeated communications at extremely inconvenient hours or in offensively coarse language with a purpose to annoy or alarm another.” In re Alex C. (N.H. Sup. Ct. Nov. 30) upheld the conviction of a minor for sending 20 instant messages in the span of an hour to a friend’s mother” that contained curse words.

Obamacare is a Government Takeover

Washington Examiner:  “Obamacare is a uniquely American government takeover of health care. Its 2,801 pages of legislation and insidious regulatory structure give the Secretary of Health and Human Services almost unlimited authority to rule over every corner of our health sector.  Here are 10 reasons why they are right that it is a government takeover of health care:”

EPA Moving Unilaterally to Limit Greenhouse Gases

Associated Press:  “Stymied in Congress, the Obama administration is moving unilaterally to clamp down on greenhouse emissions, announcing plans for new power plants and oil refinery emission standards over the next year.”

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