California Hospital Sues Scottsdale Contractor Delmastro + Eells Inc.

Phoenix Business Journal“Kindred Hospital in Folsom, Calif., has fired the Scottsdale general contractor for its $43 million replacement hospital and sued for breach of contract, alleging cost overruns and delays.  Delmastro + Eells Inc. failed to meet a December deadline for the initial phase of the 58-bed replacement hospital, overstated its costs and has been “substantially overpaid,” Kindred alleged in a lawsuit filed March 11 in Sacramento County Superior Court.”

Stripper Explains Massachusetts Employee vs. Independent Contractor Law

In a very well-written two part series, a Massachusetts stripper writing under the pen name “Pussy Per Se” explains a day in the life of a stripper and how a recent Massachusetts court decision classifying a stripper as an employee rather than an independent contractor has substantially harmed MA strippers ability to earn income.  The author was a spousal-abuse and rape crisis counselor at a women’s shelter when she started stripping on the side.  The article discusses the ramifications of a lawsuit filed by a stripper named Lucienne Chaves against a strip club where she performed called King Arthur’s Lounge.  The judge ruled that the stripper was an employee, not an independent contractor.  Ms. Per Se says:

“The legislature of Massachusetts, attorney general Martha Coakley, and some savvy lawyers have now put me out of business.  It’s not that they don’t like what I do for a living — dancing naked on a stage and giving private dances in a back room. I can keep doing that. What they don’t like is that I did all this as an independent contractor. That I was my own boss. Massachusetts much prefers that I work for somebody else. This came about because of a single verdict against a strip club in Chelsea, Mass., and it affects not only every stripper in the state, but could result in putting many small independent contractors, from painters to writers, out of business.”

Now the lawyers who represented Lucienne Chaves are filing class action lawsuits and going after Massachusetts strip clubs and forcing the clubs to make all their strippers employees.  As employees, the strippers are paid $2.63 per hour.  Ms. Per Se says that the bottom line now for most Massachusetts strippers is that they will make less money and the clubs will control their work experience.

See “Stripped by Massachusetts: Part 1” and “Stripped by Massachusetts: Part 2 – In exchange for your freedom: $2.63.”

Bubba Sues HBO & Showtime For Showing the Wrong “Hills Have Thighs” Movie

James ”Bubba” Cromer sued HBO and Showtime because they promoted the showing of a movie on their cable channels called “The Hills Have Thighs.”  He claims the two channels promoted his comedy movie of the same name about Appalachia, but showed the soft core porn movie of the same name.  Bubba’s lawsuit claims the movie switch defamed him and caused emotional distress.  An Associated Press story says “How the legal action came about is its own Hollywood story.”

Chamber of Commerce Study Ranks States from Best to Worst for Legal Climates

U.S. Chamber of Commerce:  “The U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Legal Reform (ILR) today released its survey ranking the states with the best and worst legal climates in the country.  According to the survey, the states with the worst legal climates are California (46th), Alabama (47th), Mississippi (48th), Louisiana (49th), and West Virginia (50th). The states with the best legal climates are Delaware (1st), North Dakota (2nd), Nebraska (3rd), Indiana (4th), and Iowa (5th).”  Arizona ranks 13.

Woman Wins $9 Million Lawsuit Against Ex-Husband’s Lover

Note to anybody who lives in North Carolina who might want to have an affair with a married man or woman – DON”T DO IT unless you are prepared to give your life savings to the injured spouse.  A News & Record story starts:  “A jury in Guilford County District Court this week awarded $9 million to a former Greensboro woman, agreeing that her husband’s lover ruined their marriage [by having an affair with Anne Lundquist]. . . . . The jury awarded Cynthia Shackelford money for alienation of affections, criminal conversation (legal speak for adultery) and intentionally or recklessly causing severe emotional distress.”  See “Ex-dean to appeal verdict on affair.”

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