San Francisco Bans Happy Meals, but Not Medical Marijuana

The slow march toward the 24/7 nanny state continues as government takes away our freedom one right at a time.  Los Angeles Times:  “The city’s board of supervisors votes to forbid restaurants from giving away toys with meals that have high levels of calories, sugar and fat.  San Francisco’s board of supervisors has voted . . . to ban most of McDonald’s Happy Meals . . . .  The measure will make San Francisco the first major city in the country to forbid restaurants from offering a free toy with meals that contain more than set levels of calories, sugar and fat.”

Idaho Tax Commission Threatens to Shut Down Pumpkin Stand Owned by 4 & 6 Year Old Entrepreneurs

The dad estimates that the sales taxes his kids pumpkin stand may collect would be about $10.  Nevertheless, the Idaho State Tax Commission is demanding that the 4 & 6 year old owners of a pumpkin stand obtain a permit to sell their products.  The revenuers said that its the law and it isn’t fair for the kids to compete with the local supermarket that collects and pays sales taxes.

See “Tax collector tries to squash Idaho pumpkin stand” and “Idaho makes national news shutting down roadside pumpkin stand.”

Detroit Prosecutor Wants Law that Jails Parents Who Skip Teacher Conferences

This is not a joke.  An idiot who is also a prosecutor who has convicted all violent criminals in Wayne County, Michigan, and who seeks more preps to send up the river is asking for a law that would make it a crime for parents to miss their parent teacher conference.  How about a law that jails the educators responsible for the K-12 school system that is one of the worst in the nation?  Next on the agenda – ten years of hard labor for parents who fail to make their kids brush their teeth.

Health Care Reform Causes CT Health Insurance Premium Hikes as High as 47%

NBC News:  “The state

[Connecticut] has given Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield the go ahead to raise premiums by as much as 47 percent for some members, and says health care reform is the reason why.”

See “Anthem Approved For Health Insurance Rate Hikes As High As 47 Percent,” which said:

“The state’s largest insurer has been approved to raise health premium rates by 41 percent to 47 percent for some of its policies sold to individual buyers . . . . The reason for the increases is the new federal health reform mandates, according to Anthem and the state Department of Insurance”

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