1. Real Clear Politics: “From Australia to America, the Concerns Are the Same”
2. Fox News: “Virginia Lawmaker Challenges Feds to Sue His State Over Immigration Enforcement”
“Prince William [County, Virginia] is well-known for its immigration policy requiring officers to check the immigration status of suspects in custody”
3. Fox News: “Holder Floats Possibility of Racial Profiling Suit Against Arizona” Read these incredible statements Fox News attributes to the man who didn’t real the Arizona law:
“Holder . . . said the Justice Department decided to file the suit because Arizona’s immigration law is ‘inconsistent’ with federal policy and the U.S. Constitution. He said there’s nothing to stop local jurisdictions and states from helping the government enforce immigration law, but described Arizona’s law as contradictory to what the federal government is trying to accomplish.”
Huh! Arizona’s stated intent of its new law is to enforce the U.S. immigration law, which is why it makes violating the federal immigration law a state crime. Is Holder saying that the federal government is not trying to enforce the U.S. immigration laws, which is why Arizona’s attempt to enforce the US IMMIGRATION LAW is inconsistent with the federal goal?
4. Arizona Republic: “Response filed to federal suit over SB 1070”
5. Arizona Republic: “Will SB 1070 help or hurt economy”
6. Arizona Republic: “SB1070’s long-term hit to tourism”
7. Arizona Republic: “Arizona immigration law costs and savings”
8. Phoenix Business Journal: “League of Cities pans Arizona immigration law, calls for federal action, but will hold conference here“
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